Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Born

I was sent a questionnaire on my Facebook page inquiring about the first time I was ever pregnant. I thought it was kind of fun and wanted to include it on my blog.
1. Was your first pregnancy planned? Yes...I knew I was going to have babies-and lots of them my entire life. My mom contends the first sentence ever spoken was "Hold the baby Mommy?"
2. Were you married at the time? Yes
3. What were your reactions? A little shocked...because I hadn't really connected with the concept that I was pregnant yet. I had a negative pregnancy test.
4. Was abortion an option for you? Never
5. How old were you? 21 most of my pregnancy...I turned 22 a couple months before having him.
6. How did you find out you were pregnant? I realized I was late when a friend of mine was visiting and she began telling me a mutual friend thought she was pregnant. I ran out to Krogers late that night to get a pregnancy test. I ran into Jeff Heitz (Channel 11 news anchor at the time... who I used to wait on when I worked at Bud & Luke's) and didn't want him to I was trying to hide the evidence from him. I got home and took the test and it was negative. That week I went with another friend to Planned Parenthood because she thought that she was pregnant...she was. A week later, when I still hadn't started my period I went to Planned Parenthood with the same friend who just found out she was pregnant. The test came back positive this time.
7. Who did you tell first? Other than Melissa who was with me...I headed straight to Jonathan's work to tell him the news.
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Oh Yes...I am a planner and like to know as much as possible. People who don't have names for their children until after they are born baffle me. I had figured out names when I was 15 years old. (Although admittedly...some of those names changed in the interim)
9. Due date? November 30th, 1994
10. Did you have morning sickness? All day sickness...exacerbated by working around food all day long
11. What did you crave? Anything with vinegar in it...pickles, corned beef and cabbage, pickled beets, Kosher dill chips, etc...
12. Who/what irritated you the most? The onslaught of illnesses that plagued my first pregnancy. On my first visit to the Dr. Briel's office, the nurse looked at me and said "You were made to have babies. Your pregnancy will be a breeze." Oh no I wasn' was one thing after another with him.
13. What was your first child's sex? Dr. Beuchat (a doctor in the practice with Dr. Briel at the time) did 2 different ultrasounds telling me both times I was having a girl. He had never been wrong...not until me!
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? Yes...I really wanted a girl (once they told me that is what I was having...and especially after I ended up with 4 boys.) I consoled my self with the concept of how great it would be for my eventual daughters to have an older brother...something I had never had.
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? barely 20 (I got chastened about at every doctors visit)
16. Did you have a baby shower? Yes three "girl" baby showers (my side of the family, Jon's side of the family, and church friends)...before I found out that Victoria Renee was a "he".
17. Was it a surprise or did you know? I knew
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I went from having all day sickeness, to migraines, to a yeast infection that covered my entire body (in the summer time when it was sticky hot, no air in our bedroom, and constantly oozed, itched, and burned), to Gallbladder attacks, Gestational Diabetes, non-reactive NST's and bedrest for the last 3 weeks....with Amnios and Biophysical Profiles every week until his lungs were mature enough to be induced. It was during my first biophysical profile that we discovered our baby girl was a baby boy.
19. Where did you give birth? Flower Hospital for all my kiddos
20. How many hours were you in labor? 12 hours and then I pushed for 2-3 hours, only to have them have to assist with the vacuum at the very end.
21. Who drove you to the hospital? My mom and Jonathan were there with me the whole time.

22. Who watched you give birth? My mom and Jonathan (with Jon's mom and step-dad behind the curtain in the room....I hadn't prepared myself for that one.)
23. Was it natural or c-section? Vaginal
24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? I had planned on going Natural...until they broke my water at 2 cm and I had to labor through Pitocin induction until I was 4 cm with only Nubain (which did NOTHING for me). God bless the creator of the Epidural! I may have stopped at 1 child otherwise.
25. How much did you child weigh? 7 lbs. 11 oz. My comment when I heard that felt like giving birth to a convenience store.
26. When was your child actually born? November 20th, 1994 at 3:33 am
27. What did you name him/her? He was Dylan Mitchell up until the day he was born...We decided to give our oldest son, Jonathan's name he ended up becoming "Jonathan Dylan". He always goes by Dylan though (minus a short stint in Preschool and Kindergarten-2nd grade when he was Jonathan at school).
28. How old is your first born today? 14 years old