Sunday, June 13, 2010

People say the nicest things

We had a Relief Society activity earlier this year where we were to write something nice about everyone who was there. Often times we hear much of the criticism, but don't get enough praise. Each week a sister in the ward has been spotlighted. I happened to be the spotlight this week.

I was truly touched by the kind and thoughtful things people said about me. In a million years, I wouldn't describe myself this way, but felt so touched that this is the perception others have of me :D

"Spotlight on a special sister Maria Simons.
She is a great example for all, full of compassion. Maria is a nurturer and a great friend (and might I add daughter) She is full of good advice. No one is more ambitious than Maria. She is funny and has a great laugh, good sense of humor and approachable. She is the life of the party, energetic and fun.
Very outgoing with a great personality. Some say a complete goofball which makes her all the more fun. She is easy to talk to and understanding. She can also be spiritual and is a wonderful teacher. Many say she is so like her mother and a great mom herself. She is a hard worker and so helpful, always willing. She is always happy even under high stress situations.
Maria = Marvelous"

As if this wasn't enough to make me have warm fuzzies all through me, then my mom said some very kind things to me in her emails:

"I want you to know that you are my one regret in this whole wonderful adventure (she is moving away to Bowling Green). I have always loved being there for you and promise that I will continue to help all that I can. I wanted so to get a home near you and be over to your home often. The Lord has other plans. This is a prayer come true and my knees just buckle when I think how blessed I am. Now I will have you for all eternity...I can't help but look on that whole crazy group we had yesterday and think how blessed I am. I was one and now have this whole posterity linked to me. How great is our God.

I love you and the amazing woman that you are becoming. You do me such credit when people compare you to me. I am lifted because you stand above the rest. I may have conquered some of my faults at 57 but you are above that at just 37. I just want you to know how much I truly love you."

Then later out of the blue, my Aunt Julie sends me a message:

"You are truly one of the most beautiful women I know. Not only are you a great Mom, wife, sister, niece, etc. you are a friend to everyone who knows you. You give so much to others by just being you. I love you!!!!! I miss you tooo!!!!!!!"

I can't tell you what it meant for me to have these nice things said to/about me. It made me feel like maybe, just maybe I am heading in the right directions and being successful with my endeavors :D

Morale of the story: Take time out to find the good in others and lift up another by saying something kind


Jeannetta said...

Awesome ;) I loved your mom's comments, but it's not Bowling Green KY is it???

I never got to know you in person as the woman you have become, but I loved the Young Woman I knew, and I feel her maturity when I "visit" with you online <3
I'm glad we're friends.