Friday, September 25, 2009

Nicholas turns 9

The kids each get $100 from us and they get to go on their own shopping spree.
This is one of the things Nicholas chose...his Webkinz named "Hershey"

I really don't know how it is even possible, but my baby has turned 9.
Our day started out kind of bumpy. I got called in on my "On Call Hours" the night before...
Getting home at 3:30 am. I didn't even realize how tired I was, but ended up sleeping through my alarm in the morning. The other boys get themselves off on their own, but Nicholas still depends on me. He came in at 9:30 am appalled that I would sleep in on his birthday.
(Frankly, I was more appalled than he was.)
He and I drove over to Krogers and picked up cupcakes for him to share with his class, and I took him to school.
For our birthday family celebration time, Nicholas wanted to celebrate his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese
Can I tell you how much I love these boys?
Dylan showing off his tokens
Nicholas trying to throw the football through the hole
Jonathan shooting hoops
Dylan playing Skee Ball
Kyle shooting hoops
Deal or No Deal
Luke wins!

Nicholas in the tunnels
"Look at all my tickets!"

Cashing in the tickets
The kids were able to get some cool little prizes.
Everyone had fun together!
Happy Birthday Nicholas!