Monday, March 1, 2010

March 2010 Resolution

I continue to work out 3-5 times a week =). I'm feeling better and although I'm not losing massive amounts of weight, it is coming off slowly, but surely. I cannot tell you the excitement I have for overcoming my abhorrence for exercise and now even feel excited to go have "my time" at the gym.

Last month I faced the challenge of daily scripture reading. Only challenging because with a schedule like mine, it is difficult to find consistent time in my schedule where I can commit to something like scripture reading or exercise. It takes a constant vigilance and reminding of myself to take the time to get these things done. Last month, I tackled 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon...which is always a difficult book of scripture to get myself through. February was a month full of challenges and stress, so I was grateful for the closeness of the Spirit that I was feeling through my scripture reading.

A couple weeks ago there was a talk given in church about the importance of daily prayer. I was touched by this talk, and recognized that I truly need to improve my communication with my Heavenly Father. "A man never stands taller, then when upon his knees." This month I would like to develop the habit and commitment of personal morning and evening prayers. I want to pray as though everything depends upon my Heavenly Father and then work as though everything depends on me. I want my Heavenly Father to know my thoughts, my feelings, my desires, and my needs. I want Him to know how I cherish my relationship with Him and appreciate all that He does for me in my life.